Camera Austria International

3 | 1980

    Zu "Europäische Fotografen, Teil 1: STEIERMARK"
    Wir Fotografen machen Bilder aber was machen die Bilder mit uns?

  • Europäische Fotografen, Teil 1: STEIERMARK


The objective of this exhibition is to provide a comprehensive presentation of current photographic activity in Styria, which is based on an understanding of the medium of photography as an expression of culture in the broadest possible sense. The reason behind the creation of this exhibition was the great interest in this medium and, most especially, the diverse activities playing out in the field of photography in this province. The fact that the original intention of showing the work of around fifty photographers has turned into a show featuring the image collections of eighty-nine authors reflects the open concept of this project and the difficulties encountered by the exhibition-makers. We are grateful to our photo department, with Michael Kirchengast, Richard Kratochwill, Branko Lenart, and Peter Starchel, for going out of their way to make image selections with the individual photographers. Helmut Tezak, in collaboration with me, is responsible for the compilation and selection of the plates. On the occasion of what is surely the most extensive exhibition to date, I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Christine Frisinghelli and Seiichi Furuya for their work on this and other projects. Rüdiger Wischenbart, also a “co-inventor” of this exhibition concept, penned the following essay. And our thanks are owed to Erich Kees, who wrote the second text in this issue, for even more: through his work over the past twenty years, he has done much more for Styrian photography than is generally assumed!

The texts accompanying the photographs originate from the photographers themselves, just as the decision to not offer commentary remains that of the image author. We kindly request your understanding for the necessary cuts, and also for the fact that we could not invite all Styrian photographers to participate in this project. My gratitude goes to all photographers for their trust and willingness to be involved in this exhibition.

Manfred Willmann 
in steirischer herbst ’80



Entwicklungen in der Fotografie. Eine Ausstellungsreihe der Sammlung Fotografis Länderbank
Haus an der Freyung / Kunstforum Länderbank

“Aufbruch in die Moderne 1880 – 1980” und Eingliederung der Fotografie

1880 – 1920 “bildmäßige Fotografie” (bis 28. 10. 80)

1920- 1940 “Neues Sehen” (29. 10. – 13. 12. 80)

1940 – 1975 “Subjektive Fotografie” ( 15. 12. – 31. 1. 81)


Herausgeber, Verleger und für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Manfred Willmann.
FORUM STADTPARK,  A-8010 Graz, Stadtpark 1.

© 1980 Copyright by CAMERA AUSTRIA. Veröffentlichungen auch auszugsweise nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung der Redaktion.