Camera Austria International

7 | 1982

Symposion on Photography III, Part 1

    So is love
    War Brides in California
    Topography - Iconography
    Kennzeichen D



After the first two symposions on photography, whose publications have already been presented (cf. page 71), we had intended to invite to the third symposion on photography only photographers and artists who use the medium of photography. No particular topic was specified, but it was tried to show various working methods: there was to be the opportunity of talking about photography from various points of view and confronted with differing attitudes. We had suggested that the artists should present their latest works: either finished ones or works in progress.

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Camera Austria International 7 | 1982


After the first two symposions on photography, whose publications have already been presented (cf. page 71), we had intended to invite to the third symposion on photography only photographers and artists who use the medium of photography. No particular topic was specified, but it was tried to show various working methods: there was to be the opportunity of talking about photography from various points of view and confronted with differing attitudes. We had suggested that the artists should present their latest works: either finished ones or works in progress.
The presentation of (photographic) work in an exhibit, in the form of a slide-show or in a publication – such as the present one – are entirely different matters. If one’s work is shown in an exhibit it is difficult to present it to a large audience in a lecture. Presenting the visual part of the lecture by means of slides does not always correspond to the quality of the positive and often does not come up to the arts’s intentions. At present, however, it seemed to be the most suitable form of presenting photographic works to a large group of interested viewers.
We left it to each artist to decide about the way and the extent of the presentation and the participants of the third symposion on photography also arranged their contributions according to their own decisions. We fixed the number of pages of the individual contributions together with the artists; the number of pages containing texts and pictures corresponds as far as possible to the artists’ wishes. (For that we have gone to the limits of our financial means.)
Owing to its particular qualities, it is impossible for a publication to present all the works shown during the symposion; it is certainly not possible to replace the experience made in a lecture (some of which even were performances!), or in a conversation with the author etc. by means of the publication at hand. It will have to serve as a replacement for those who could not participate in the event. Those who compare their experiences of the symposion with this publication will be able to increase their impressions.
In the symposion of the Styrian Autumn to come, the work of a photographer will be confronted with that of a theorist who will both deal with the same topic. Thus the symposion on photography IV will take place from Oct. 17 to Oct 19. 1982. Again, we would like to thank the Styrian Autumn, which made this symposion possible, and the Bundesministerium für Unterricht und Kunst, which supported the printing of the present publication.

Manfred Willmann
Christine Frisinghelli




Edited and published by: Manfred Willmann.
FORUM STADTPARK,  A-8010 Graz, Stadtpark 1, Austria.

Editing Team: Christine Frisinghelli, Seiichi Furuya und Harald Strobl.

Translations: Klaus Feichtenberger, Renate Fischer, Franz Holzer, Kinsuki Yoshimura.

© 1982 by CAMERA AUSTRIA. No part of this issue may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.