Camera Austria International

21 | 1986

Symposion on Photography VII, Part I.
EUROPA – AMERIKA hallo – good bye

  • EUROPA - AMERIKA: Hallo - Good Bye / Good Bye - Hallo
    opening discussion
    The little figure on the rim of Grand Canyon
    Special Effects: from Modernism to Illusion
    Quiet Afternoon
    Skizzen zu einer Kulturgeschichte der Fotografie (III): Die Physiognomie des Bürgers
    Über die Beziehung zwischen Malerei und Fotografie
    Interview with Otmar Thormann


We are pleased to present issue 21 of CAMERA AUSTRIA. Its topic is that of last year’s SYMPOSION ON PHOTOGRAPHY VII: Europe-America. This symposion, part of the Styrian Autumn ’85, sought to explore, in lectures, presentations and discussions, the phenomena of mutual influence and perception on the one hand, and the definition of specific local vision on the other hand. As at the symposion, we begin with a discussion of the topic, followed by the contributions of Luigi Ghirri, Mark Holborn, Gosbert Adler, Wilmar Koenig and Christoph Scharff. More clearly than the discussion, these contributions in their diversity reflect the different views: Luigi Ghirri in his paper focuses on the problems of perceiving what is different and alien, as well as on “America” as a myth. Mark Holborn discusses a younger generation of American photographers linked, in his view, through their inclusion of illusionary elements and a defamiliarizing use of the medium. Gosbert Adler, Wilmar Koenig and Christoph Scharff were invited to present and comment on a selection of their work.

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Camera Austria International 21 | 1986

We are pleased to present issue 21 of CAMERA AUSTRIA. Its topic is that of last year’s SYMPOSION ON PHOTOGRAPHY VII: Europe-America. This symposion, part of the Styrian Autumn ’85, sought to explore, in lectures, presentations and discussions, the phenomena of mutual influence and perception on the one hand, and the definition of specific local vision on the other hand. As at the symposion, we begin with a discussion of the topic, followed by the contributions of Luigi Ghirri, Mark Holborn, Gosbert Adler, Wilmar Koenig and Christoph Scharff. More clearly than the discussion, these contributions in their diversity reflect the different views: Luigi Ghirri in his paper focuses on the problems of perceiving what is different and alien, as well as on “America” as a myth. Mark Holborn discusses a younger generation of American photographers linked, in his view, through their inclusion of illusionary elements and a defamiliarizing use of the medium. Gosbert Adler, Wilmar Koenig and Christoph Scharff were invited to present and comment on a selection of their work.

The coming issue of CAMERA AUSTRIA, currently in preparation, will be devoted to the remaining presentations  at the symposion. Contributions by Lewis Baltz, Robert Frank, Herbert Molderings and Roberta Valtorta will conclude the publication of the Symposion on Photography VII. in addition, the coming issue will feature a report on the exhibit “Reste des Authentischen” (Remnants of the Authentic), organized by Ute Eskildsen at the Museum Folkwang, and also the text for a show of recent work of Austrian photographers, entitled “Images of the Self/Images of the World”

The issue before you now also contains two contributions (long, European) showing a practice of photography that is full of zest: “Fotowerken uit Holland”, in presenting the work of six Dutsch artists, gives us a glimpse of an imaginative use of the medium, transcending traditional boundaries, while a selection of photographs from the series “Quiet Afternoon” by Peter Fischli and David Weiss is proof that laughter and reflection may coincide (an all too rare experience of late).

An essay by Timm Starl “The Physiognomy of the Bourgeois” continues his series “Outlines of a Cultural History of Photography”, and Helmut Draxler discusses “Interrelationships Between Painting and Photography”. Also in this issue, you find an interview with Otmar Thormann, as well as reviews of books and shows, news and the diary. In addition, there is the index to CAMERA AUSTRIA 15 to 20, brought up to date by Timm Starl (for the index to the previous issues, 1 to 14, see CAMERA AUSTRIA 15/16). This indexing effort should also encourage readers to go back to previous issues of CAMERA AUSTRIA, which is the rationale behind our offer to subscribers to supply back issues at half price. This special offer, which has met with great success, will continue to the end of 1986- we would like to thank our readers for their enthusiastic response! At the same time, we regret to have to announce an increase in prices- both for subscriptions and individual copies- taking effect with the present issue: subscriptions within Austria will now be AS 360,-, while subscriptions abroad will be AS 420,- (DM 62,- , $ 31,-) and individual copies AS 115,- (DM 17,-, $ 31,- ), including postage and packing. This raise does not affect, of course, existing subscriptions while still current.

This increase in prices became necessary because we do not want to reproduce color works in back and white (and they are numerous and full of interest), because issues of CAMERA AUSTRIA continue to be quite voluminous (the previous four issues, 17 to 20 , had a total of 321 pages, including 141 full-page reproductions, of which 49 were in color) and, most importantly, because printing and postage charges have gone up. Even at the new price, we could not hope to publish CAMERA AUSTRIA in its present scope and quality (albeit not without financial difficulties and, consequently, not with the desired regularity, even through our contributors continue to be unpaid) were it not for the support of the Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Sport, the Province of Styria and the City of Graz.

Finally, we would like to invite you to the coming SYMPOSION ON PHOTOGRAPHY VIII, to be held on Oct. 18 to 19, 1986. The topic will be “Image: Text” – please note our separate announcement.

Christine Frisinghelli
Manfred Willmann




Karin Kanz-Begusch

Volker Derlath

Ladislav Drezdowicz

Wolfgang Zurborn

Zita Oberwalder


Timm Starl: Die Folgen der Ahnungslosigkeit. Zur Präsentation von Lothar Rübelt in der Albertina, Wien

Dr. Gerlinde Schrammel und Hofrat Dr. W. Koschatzky zur Ausstellung von Lothar Rübelt in der Albertina, Wien


Hanno Loewy: Autonomie der Fotografie? Die 4. Frankfurter Fotogespräche

Rüdiger Wischenbart: Marie Françoise Plissart. Recht auf Einsicht

Ivo Kranzfelder: Die Fotografie im Dienste des Surrealismus. Rosalind E. Krauss und Jane Livingston. L’Amour fou. Photography & Surrealism


Publisher: Manfred Willmann.
Verein CAMERA AUSTRIA, Labor für Fotografie und Theorie
FORUM STADTPARK, Stadtpark 1, A-8010 Graz

Editor: Manfred Willmann
Editing Team: Christine Frisinghelli, Lore Gellner, Elisabeth Printschitz, Edeltraut Tamm, Peter Starchel