Living Networks
2. –18. 7. 2015

Opening: 2.7.2015, 7 pm., Forum Stadtpark


Opening: OPEN MODES GRAZ 2015 Living Networks

19:00, Forum Stadtpark.

Welcome, Heidrun Primas, Director of the Forum Stadtpark

Opening words, Patrick Schnabel, Director of the Cultural Affairs Department of the region of Styria and Lisa Rücker, city adviser for culture.

Round table with the representatives of the Open Modes nine involved institutions, moderation Heidrun Primas

20:30. Performance of zweiten liga für kunst und kultur:
Private life with viewpoint, Episode 7: Open Modes a Company

Vegan finger food made by the  FORUMkitchen


Der OFFENE BETRIEB ist eine Initiative von:

Akademie Graz
Camera Austria
esc medien kunst labor
Forum Stadtpark
Grazer Kunstverein
IZK – Institut für zeitgenössische Kunst, TU Graz
Künstlerhaus KM– Halle für Kunst und Medien
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Schaumbad – Freie Künstlerateliers

Open Modes is a growing network of art spaces and artists in Graz dealing with practice and reflection for the exchange of artistic skills and strategies – in a time where not only art education, but also mainstream education systems are in question at large.
The goal of Open Modes 2015 is to reveal the (im)material, fluid educational institution ‘City’ in all its complexity and disparity. How could we transform informal flows of knowledge transfer into resources for all? How to construct spaces for art? Open Modes is a platform for methodological and cultural research. The programme, at the same time, is an invitation to all Grazers to share their ideas and wishes about the city.

Programme and registration: