Trial Mode 02: (Un)learning contemporary art—Building Synergies


Workshop in the frame of
Trial Mode 02
»How to write a tropical disease // How to write a manifesto«
With Rebecca Close / Diásporas Críticas

Friday, 11.11.2016, 5 pm
Exhibition space Camera Austria
Free of charge
By registration only:

Trial Mode 02: (Un)learning contemporary art—Building Synergies
With Anne Goldenberg + Ellen Foster, Fiona Hallinan / Department of Ultimology, Rebecca Close / Diásporas Críticas, Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka/ Schallfeld Ensemble, Vera Hagemann & Students TU, Miha, Žiga, Andrej / GT22 + Oliver, Urs, Claude / SGMK, Tomislav Medak / Memory of the World + Femke Snelting, Johannes Schrettle + Max Höfler

12. and 13.11.2016, from 11 am
Forum Stadtpark
Stadtpark 1, 8010 Graz
Free admission



»How to write a tropical disease // How to write a manifesto«, a workshop by Rebecca Close / Diásporas Críticas. This workshop seeks to share a corpus of poetic-political texts (speeches, manifestos and poetry) that have questioned and responded to the specific ways in which modernizing urbanization projects were intimately bound to medical and hygienist fantasies of moral, linguistic and bodily cleansing. Participants will encounter the sounds of popular and minority languages of resistance that have visibilized and critiqued the silencing techniques of racialisation and sexualisation, from the 16th century colonial regimes to present forms of neoliberal coloniality. Adopting strategies of enunciation and fragmented reading, the session will traverse the work of Gloria Anzaldúa, Francisco Santanna, Valerie Mason-John, Audre Lorde, Valeria Flores, Francisco Casas, Cambell X, May Ayim, Monique Wittig, Paul B. Preciado, La Rumeur, Pedro Lemebel, Néstor Perlongher, W.I.T.C.H, Aimé Césaire, Virginie Despentes, Combahee River Collective. It is not necessary to bring anything or read anything before the workshop.

On November 12-13, the Open Modes proudly presents its 2016 programme: Trial Mode 02: (Un)learning contemporary art – Building Synergies; to take place  at FORUM STADTPARK. An intensive gathering weekend to explore and deepen on the ways art education could take or is already taking place within the city of Graz and beyond. Mapping the synergies of contemporary art production, working on their sustainability and validating an urban-open-curriculum will be some of the central points of this event. With local and international guests coming together in an experimental condensed format with talks, inputs, workshops, durational performances and live-music interventions. The Open Modes Programme and Methodologies for 2017 will be collectively outlined.

OPEN MODES is a network developed by nine Graz institutions and initiatives; its projects confront the changing requirements for educating artists in the wake of a continuing discussion of the deteriorating conditions for “Bildung” in general.

A project by: Akademie Graz, Camera Austria, esc medien kunst labor, Forum Stadtpark, Grazer Kunstverein, IZK, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst und Medien, < rotor >, Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz.