Exhibition tour
Un-Curating the Archive II: 1990 – 2002
with Nicole Six and Paul Petritsch


Exhibition tour
Un-Curating the Archive
Part II: 1990 – 2002
with the artists Nicole Six & Paul Petritsch and curator Reinhard Braun

Afterwards drinks and music by “Melodien für Millionen”

Exhibition space Camera Austria
6.2.2018, 6 pm
Language: German
Free admittance

Exhibition tour Un-Curating the Archive II: 1990 – 2002 with Nicole Six and Paul Petritsch
Photo: Katharina Oberegger, Camera Austria


In the context of the two-part exhibition project “Un-Curating the Archive,” Camera Austria has digitalized and published a large portion of its archive. This makes Camera Austria one of the few organizations, if not the only one, in the realm of contemporary art in Austria that has made their archive openly available to the public on an ongoing basis.
Walter Benjamin wrote about history that only that can be reconstructed in history in which the present recognizes itself as the intended. The archive of Camera Austria is now ready for the quest to discover or reconstruct the present, and to find out which presentness can be created through this archive. The entire exhibition project is based on a reference collection developed by Nicole Six & Paul Petritsch, a specific form of presenting the archive without making it an exhibition object. 

In a joint tour with the artists and the curator through the exhibition, which for the duration of the archival presentation has actually become an archive room, you will be able to talk about the starting points for this project, about “Archive Fever,” about the decisions involved in selecting this form, about the questions that were decisive for this decision, and about the process of producing the reference collection and of organizing the space.

Afterwards, we invite you to have a drink while listening to the music of “Melodien für Millionen.” The archive is dancing?


  • Exhibition tour Un-Curating the Archive II: 1990 – 2002 with Nicole Six and Paul Petritsch
    Photo: Katharina Oberegger, Camera Austria

  • Exhibition tour Un-Curating the Archive II: 1990 – 2002 with Nicole Six and Paul Petritsch
    Photo: Katharina Oberegger, Camera Austria

  • Exhibition tour Un-Curating the Archive II: 1990 – 2002 with Nicole Six and Paul Petritsch
    Photo: Katharina Oberegger, Camera Austria

  • Exhibition tour Un-Curating the Archive II: 1990 – 2002 with Nicole Six and Paul Petritsch
    Photo: Katharina Oberegger, Camera Austria

  • Exhibition tour Un-Curating the Archive II: 1990 – 2002 with Nicole Six and Paul Petritsch
    Photo: Katharina Oberegger, Camera Austria
