Reading Between Clouds
Performative Reading by Lisa Holzer


Reading Between Clouds
Performative reading by Lisa Holzer

In the frame of the exhibition

14.10.2023, 4 pm
Exhibition space Camera Austria
in Englisch language
Free admission

Lisa Holzer, Family (Clouds), 2023. Courtesy: the artist & Layr, Vienna. Copyright: Bildrecht, Vienna, 2023.


In Reading Between Clouds, Lisa Holzer talks about listening between clouds, rain, tennis, the hysteric’s questions, how to relate to the world, the body, Photoshop and weakness, wordless dreams, literalness, cereal and the real, family, photography, and how to picture relationships per se. She slowly walks backwards. Something quite literally or really comes/falls out of the text. And it all ends with The Cranberries’ Dreams.

Reading Between Clouds is a text proceeding from Holzer’s work Family (Clouds), on view at the exhibition Exposure. It is one extension or tail of Lisa Holzer’s exhibition Forgot Sunglasses, which took place this spring at Galerie Layr in Vienna.

Lisa Holzer is a visual artist living in Berlin (DE). She works with photography, text, and occasionally performative gestures in an exhibition context, inquiring into what an image is, what constitutes it as such, and what it can do. Holzer is interested in the ambivalence between representation and abstraction, the relationship between Photoshop and weakness. She views her works as protagonists that cry or sweat (polyurethane on the outside of the glass of the frames), for instance, or cry inwardly (Photoshop). Holzer also considers what can literally fall out of her works. If an image or text features cake, for instance, that cake may be served at a show or reading. Holzer accompanies her exhibitions with auto-theoretical texts that move towards or away from the images or with autonomous texts that become the basis for performative readings. Apart from her artistic work, she has also curated projects such as the recent How to Move and Respond at Haus am Waldsee, Berlin.