Archiv Peter Piller: Materialien (D). Peripheriewanderung Graz



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Graz, 2010
128 pages
15,5 cm x 20,5 cm
62 colour plates
soft cover

Edition Camera Austria

ISBN: 978-3-900508-83-8


For volume D of his “Materialien”, German artist Peter Piller hiked around the periphery of Graz in spring 2010, on the border between developed and undeveloped districts, between urban offshoots and rural areas. Taking photos on his way, he explores regions where tourists rarely ever set foot and that are probably unknown to most locals as well.

This project is part of the steirischer herbst festival and published in collaboration with Camera Austria.


  • Peter Piller, aus / from: Archiv Peter Piller. Materialien (D). Peripheriewanderung Graz, 2010.

  • Peter Piller, aus / from: Archiv Peter Piller. Materialien (D). Peripheriewanderung Graz, 2010.

  • Peter Piller, aus / from: Archiv Peter Piller. Materialien (D). Peripheriewanderung Graz, 2010.

  • Peter Piller, aus / from: Archiv Peter Piller. Materialien (D). Peripheriewanderung Graz, 2010.

  • Peter Piller, aus / from: Archiv Peter Piller. Materialien (D). Peripheriewanderung Graz, 2010.

