Frieze London 2019


Opening hours
Wednesday, 2 October, 2019: Preview (Invitation only)
Thursday, 3 October, 2019: Preview 12pm – 8pm
Thursday, 3 October 2019: Private View 5pm – 8pm
Friday, 4 – Saturday, 5 October, 2019: 12pm – 7pm
Sunday, 6 October, 2019: 12pm – 6pm


Frieze London 2019 will bring together more than 160 galleries from
 35 countries, representing the fair’s most international edition since its launch. This year’s fair introduces new curators and sections showcasing performance, emerging artists and the contemporary significance of complex art genealogies and colonial legacies. Opening 3 to 6 October 2019, Frieze London coincides with Frieze Sculpture and Frieze Masters in The Regent’s Park, together forming the most significant week in London’s cultural calendar.

Also this year, the Reading Room will bring together the world’s leading arts and lifestyle publications, among them also Camera Austria International no. 147.