Camera Austria International
13 | 1983/1984
"Endless Worlds" to William Eggleston's works - WILLIAM EGGLESTON
Louisiana Project - PETER WEIBEL
Zur Geschichte der Künstlerfotografie III. Teil, Abschnitt 2
In accordance with the inentions of the editors, this issue of CAMERA AUSTRIA, nr. 13 , includes a wide spectrum of topics and tried to realize a concept allowing much freedom. For example, for the first time in our magazine, you will find a collection of historical photographs: i. e. an excerpt of “Geschichte der Fotografie in Österreich” (‘History of Photography in Austria’) which is meant to give an idea of this very large exhibition. It has always been our aim to give the achievement of todays Austrian photographers their rightful due, just the same the contemporary artists and authors photography which are to be found in the exhibition are not include here. Peter Weibel’s series “Geschichte der Künstlerfotografie in Österreich” (‘the history of photography by artists in Austria’) – in this issue is printed the 4th part- is more able to go into the new trends in detail than would have been possible in such a widecrope historical survey .
Read more →Camera Austria International 13 | 1983/1984
In accordance with the inentions of the editors, this issue of CAMERA AUSTRIA, nr. 13 , includes a wide spectrum of topics and tried to realize a concept allowing much freedom. For example, for the first time in our magazine, you will find a collection of historical photographs: i. e. an excerpt of “Geschichte der Fotografie in Österreich” (‘History of Photography in Austria’) which is meant to give an idea of this very large exhibition. It has always been our aim to give the achievement of todays Austrian photographers their rightful due, just the same the contemporary artists and authors photography which are to be found in the exhibition are not include here. Peter Weibel’s series “Geschichte der Künstlerfotografie in Österreich” (‘the history of photography by artists in Austria’) – in this issue is printed the 4th part- is more able to go into the new trends in detail than would have been possible in such a widecrope historical survey .
In contrast to this historical section, we are presenting works of William Eggleton from the series “Louisiana Project”: As colour photography has become increasingly significant in the works of photographers over the last years , we have now taken the opportunity of presenting the new works of this important photographer. Luigi Ghirri – who for more then ten years now is to be seen as one oft he most interesting of European photographers- has written the accompanying essay. His text gives a glimpse into which is to come in the next issue of CAMERA AUSTRIA, where for instance examples of Italian colour photography will be presented.
It has now become necessary to raise the inland price of CAMERA AUSTRIA; beginning with this issue, Nr.13 , the subscription price for four issues is AS 300,- including postage and packaging. A single issue now costs AS 95,-/ DM 14,- (postage and packaging are extra). The price for subscriptions abroad is still AS 350,- /DM 50,- . This is the first price increase since issue nr.1 which we hope in itself is justifications enough; of course we see it as our responsibility to maintain our standard of quantity without reducing the quality (originally conceived as 48 pages per issue)
Manfred Willmann, Christine Frisinghelli
Franz Pflügl
Hanns Otte
Eva Hellmerich
Georg Dauth
Wolfgang Woess
Josef Huber
Martina Mettner: 2. Frankfurter Fotogespräche, Frankfurt
Timm Starl: Willy Puchner. Dorf-Bilder
Timm Starl: Karlheinz Roschitz, Peter Dressler, Franz Zadrazil. Das Wiental
Harald Strobl: Michael Schmidt. Benachteiligt
Manfred Mixner: Zeichen und Wunder. Friedl Kubelka-Bondy. Drei Jahresportraits, 1972/73, 1977/78, 1982/83; Bodo Hell. Stadtschrift
Publisher: Manfred Willmann.
Verein CAMERA AUSTRIA, Labor für Fotografie und Theorie
FORUM STADTPARK, Stadtpark 1, A-8010 Graz
Editor: Manfred Willmann
Editing Team: Christine Frisinghelli, Peter Starchel
Translations: Cathy Daurer, Renate Fischer, Franz Holzer