Presentation: EIKON #100 at Vienna Art Week 2017


The 100th issue of EIKON was conceived as a comprehensive special issue covering the Europe-wide EIKON Award (45+). Placed under the patronage of VALIE EXPORT, it addresses photography and media artists aged 45 or older. Women have frequently been pioneers of photography and media art, exploring the innovative potential of new media and technologies with artistic means. This special edition unveils current conditions for female art production and presents selected works by related female artists. The issue will be presented at once with the winner ceremony of the EIKON Award (45+) at Vienna Art Week 2017.

Launch EIKON #100, ceremony EIKON Award (45+)
When: November 17, 2017 at 6pm
Where: KUNST HAUS WIEN, Untere Weißgerberstraße 13, 1030 Vienna