Apéro and Guided Tour


Apéro and Guided Tour
Ištvan Išt Huzjan in dialogue with
Walter Seidl

28.7.2023, 5pm
Exhibition space Camera Austria
In English language
Free admission

Ištvan Išt Huzjan
A Poem Between Us
Camera Austria 2023
Photo: Markus Krottendorfer


It is with pleasure that we invite you to an Apéro, followed by a guided tour with the artist Ištvan Išt Huzjan and curator Walter Seidl, in our current exhibition A Poem Between Us, on Friday, July 28, 2023, at 5pm.

Together, they will speak about the five series shown in the exhibition: a number of Huzjan’s performative works, which he made based on invitations by various curators and exhibition venues. These works focus on the artist as a protagonist in that Huzjan conflates spatial and temporal moments, consciously directing their progression. Documentation and representation are points of reference localizing the subject on different planes of time and space. The work A Poem Between Us, created during the pandemic, is being shown for the very first time at Camera Austria, and it also lends its name to the exhibition title.

Huzjan’s approach to surveying land and bodily gestures puts him in a line of artistic practices performed in southeastern Europe related to the inherent historical narratives of recent decades. Key figures that could be seen as predecessors are the Slovenian artist group OHO, and later the collective NSK (Neue Slowenische Kunst), as well as the Yugoslavian conceptualists of the 1970s.
