Seiichi Furuya


10.12.2004, 6pm

11.12.2004 – 23.1.2005

im Rahmen der Eröffnung der Ausstellung »alive« wird Seiichi Furuya der Würdigungspreis für künstlerische Fotografie des Bundeskanzleramtes 2004 überreicht.
Laudatio: Dr. Herta Wolf, Universität Essen.

Seiichi Furuya

curated by Monika Faber

A book has been published accompanying the exhibition: Seiichi Furuya: alive
With an essay by Monika Faber, SCALO, Zurich / Berlin / New York 2004.

Seiichi Furuya, Graz, 1992


Seiichi Furuya is one of Austria’s most important photographers and co-founder of Camera Austria. In his photography, he
combines documentary precision, conceptual and formal conclusiveness with fundamental existential human experience.
However, Seiichi Furuya’s photographic thought is not reflected by capturing outstanding or unusual aspects but rather in his
view that goes beyond visual conventions. But for him, the camera is not only a visual instrument, it also allows him to interrelate
reality, events and facts with experience and memory. The pictures, that he describes as documents, reassure and
question at the same time, they have autobiographical references, and they allow a reconstruction of history. In ever-changing
arrangements, the photographs are a an archive from which he constantly reconstructs his own memory and his own past.
Finally, they are also an expression of an autonomous, convincing visual interpretation of reality.
Seiichi Furuya’s works have been on show in recent years at major exhibitions in Tokyo, New York, San Diego, Chicago, Arles
and Zurich. Among other awards, he has received the “Camera Austria Award of the City of Graz for Contemporary
Photography” in 1993, the “Rupertinum Fotopreis” in 2000, the “Ina Nobuo Award” Tokyo in 2002, and the Federal Chancellor’s
honorary prize for photography in 2004. At the exhibition taken over from the photography collection of the Wiener Albertina and
curated by Monika Faber, Seiichi Furuya presents excerpts from the works created during his sojourn in Europe since 1973.
Seiichi Furuya has extended several series for the exhibition in Graz.

Installation Views

  • Seiichi Furuya. alive
    Camera Austria 2004
    Photo: Seiichi Furuya

  • Seiichi Furuya. alive
    Camera Austria 2004
    Photo: Seiichi Furuya

  • Seiichi Furuya, Graz, 1992

  • Seiichi Furuya. alive
    Camera Austria 2004
    Photo: Seiichi Furuya

  • Seiichi Furuya. alive
    Camera Austria 2004
    Photo: Seiichi Furuya

  • Seiichi Furuya, Izu, 1978

  • Seiichi Furuya, Ost-Berlin / East Berlin, 1987

  • Seiichi Furuya, Tokyo, 1982

  • Seiichi Furuya, Mauthausen, 2002
