Günther Selichar: Nocturnal Office for Real(i)ties (revisited). Subtexts on Working in and with Mass Media

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Ed. by Reinhard Braun.

Accompanying the exhibition “Günther Selichar: SUB | TEXTE” Camera Austria, Graz, 10.12.2022 – 19.2.2023.
Featuring parts of the artist book Nächtliches Rea­li­tätenbüro from 1984 and a conversation between Günther Selichar and Reinhard Braun. (ger./eng.).
Edition Camera Austria, Graz 2022.
144 pages, 13 × 21 cm, 108 b/w illustrations.
ISBN 978-3-902911-70-4

Book presentation
A talk between Günther Selichar and Reinhard Braun
31.1.2023, 6 pm
Camera Austria, Graz


The Nocturnal Office for Real(i)ties by Günther Selichar creates a space in which questions can be posed concerning the origins of photographic images and what lies “behind” them: the production processes, technology, distribution channels, and “SUB |TEXTE” that have decisively influenced and determined the conditions under which they were made. Created between 1981 and 1983, the Nocturnal Office for Real(i)ties takes the reader back to the starting point, as it were, of the critical processing of apparatus-based images and offers a means to identify the discontinuities in discourse and the differences between then and now, while at the same time marking a continuity of criticism and the political.

Parallel to the exhibition in Graz, the Museum der Mo­derne in Salzburg is showing a comprehensive retrospective of the artist’s work titled Dominion of the Screens from November 26, 2022, to March 12, 2023. The artist’s book Günther Selichar: The Double You Series is accompanying the exhibtion.


  • Doppelseite / spread: Günther Selichar. Nächtliches Realitätenbüro (revisited), 2022, S. / pp. 142–143.
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  • Doppelseite / spread: Günther Selichar. Nächtliches Realitätenbüro (revisited), 2022, S. / pp. 10–11.
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  • Doppelseite / spread: Günther Selichar. Nächtliches Realitätenbüro (revisited), 2022, S. / pp. 20–21.
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  • Doppelseite / spread: Günther Selichar. Nächtliches Realitätenbüro (revisited), 2022, S. / pp. 28–29.
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  • Doppelseite / spread: Günther Selichar. Nächtliches Realitätenbüro (revisited), 2022, S. / pp. 42–43.
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  • Doppelseite / spread: Günther Selichar. Nächtliches Realitätenbüro (revisited), 2022, S. / pp. 52–53.
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  • Doppelseite / spread: Günther Selichar. Nächtliches Realitätenbüro (revisited), 2022, S. / pp. 52–53.
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  • Doppelseite / spread: Günther Selichar. Nächtliches Realitätenbüro (revisited), 2022, S. / pp. 100–101.
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  • Doppelseite / spread: Günther Selichar. Nächtliches Realitätenbüro (revisited), 2022, S. / pp. 106–107.
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  • Doppelseite / spread: Günther Selichar. Nächtliches Realitätenbüro (revisited), 2022, S. / pp. 142–143.
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