Radikale Bilder



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Ed. by Reinhard Braun, Werner Fenz.
Accompanying the eponymous Austrian Triennial on Photography, 1996, Camera Austria, Graz; Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz.
With texts by the editors Art in Ruins, Francesco Bonami, Critical Art Ensemble, Frits Gierstberg, Yve Lomax, Andreas Spiegl, Michael Wetzel a.o. (ger./eng.).
With works by Richard Billingham, Anna & Bernhard Blume, Daniele Buetti, Helen Chadwick, Rainer Ganahl, G.R.A.M., Gerald van der Kaap, Stephen Willats u.a.
Edition Camera Austria, Graz; Neue Galerie, Graz 1996.
Vol. 1: 204 pages, 21 × 27 cm, 150 SW-illustrations.
Vol. 2: 222 pages, 21 × 27 cm, 70 color-illustrations.
ISBN 3-900508-17-8


The title RADICAL IMAGES serves as a screen onto which various fractures, disruptions, and questionings, in the social and cultural spheres as well as in that of art, can be projected. Thirty-nine international artists were invited to create a new work, based on their previous oevre but specially produced for the triennial and in relation to its theme. At the centre of the concerns addressed by artists and curators alike was the question as to how photography is to radicalise itself if it is to continue to play a part in the construction and interpretation of contemporary reality. Seen from this angle the role of photographic images in systematically mediating between the world around us, society and the individual becomes central to a debate that is not confined to the arts but concerns culture as a whole.

It is not only the methods by which art can approach external systems that are radical, however; it is the basic understanding of art as part of a larger structure of systems — a structure that keeps dissolving and reassembling itself in a different shape — in which radical aesthetic decisions need to be taken. At present RADICAl IMAGES are possibly alone in contributing documents and interpretations based on this perception to the vast pictorial and media archives that exist today.

Volume I:
Contributions by Faisal Abdu’Allah & Clive Allen, Art in Ruins, Gilles Barbier, Richard Billingham, Sabine Bitter/Helmut Weber, Anna & Bernhard Blume, Henry Bond, Alain Bublex, Daniele Buetti, Manuela Burkart, Helen Chadwick, Critical Art Ensemble, Petér Csikvári, Thomas Demand, Darko Fritz, Rainer Ganahl, G.R.A.M., Michael Hofstetter, Gerald van der Kaap, Ali Kepenek, Ivana Keser, Jürgen Klauke, Allan McCollum/Laurie Simmons, John Miller, Christoph Nebel, Shirin Neshat, Tony Oursler, Beate Passow, Jack Pierson, Richard Prince, Sophie Ristelhueber, Ugo Rondinone, Klaus Scherübel, Bruno Serralongue, Andres Serrano, Cindy Sherman, Martin Sjoberg, Sven Westerlund, Stephen Willats. Essays by Paolo Bianchi, Reinhard Braun, Andreas Broeckmann, Werner Fenz, Justin Hoffmann, Frits Gierstberg, Andreas Spiegl, Janka Vukmir.

Volume II:
Projects documentation. Essays by Art in Ruins, Francesco Bonami, Critical Art Ensemble, Christoph Doswald, Thomas Feuerstein, Yve Lomax, Michael Wetzel, Octavio Zaya.
Price for both volumes


  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 108–109.

  • Cover: Radikale Bilder. 2. Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie, Bd. 1 und 2 / Radical Images. 2nd Austrian Triennial on Photography, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, 1996.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Radikale Bilder. 2. Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie, Bd. 1. / Radical Images. 2nd Austrian Triennial on Photography, Vol. 1., S. / pp. 12–13.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Radikale Bilder. 2. Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie, Bd. 1. / Radical Images. 2nd Austrian Triennial on Photography, Vol. 1., S. / pp. 14–15.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Radikale Bilder. 2. Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie, Bd. 1. / Radical Images. 2nd Austrian Triennial on Photography, Vol. 1., S. / pp. 30–31.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Radikale Bilder. 2. Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie, Bd. 1. / Radical Images. 2nd Austrian Triennial on Photography, Vol. 1., S. / pp. 32

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Radikale Bilder. 2. Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie, Bd. 1. / Radical Images. 2nd Austrian Triennial on Photography, Vol. 1., S. / pp. 62–63.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 78–79.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Radikale Bilder. 2. Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie, Bd. 1. / Radical Images. 2nd Austrian Triennial on Photography, Vol. 1., S. / pp. 88–89.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 110–111.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 112–113.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 18–19.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 20–21.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 52–53.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 54–55.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 64–65.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 66–67.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 92–93.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 108–109.

  • Cover: Radikale Bilder. 2. Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie, Bd. 1 und 2 / Radical Images. 2nd Austrian Triennial on Photography, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, 1996.