Camera Austria Award
for Contemporary Photography by the City of Graz 2017
Jochen Lempert


Award Ceremony

December 6, 2017, 7 pm
Exhibition space Camera Austria

Laudatio: Maren Lübbke-Tidow

The award will be presented by Dr. Günter Riegler, City Councillor for Cultural Affairs.

Camera Austria Award
 for Contemporary Photography by the City of Graz 2017

Jochen Lempert


The Camera Austria Award for Contemporary Photography by the City of Graz, which is awarded biennially, will be bestowed on German artist Jochen Lempert in 2017. The jury founded their decision to honour Jochen Lempert with this award on the following statement: “Jochen Lempert (b. 1958) has a degree in biology and since the early 1990s has been devoted to work characterized by the correspondence and contextualization of individual photographs in larger groups. The perception of nature and animals in systems of representation used in scientific research here involves the individual observation of the world of flora and fauna within an environment configured by humans. Analogue black-and-white photographs give rise to a fascinating and complex, yet inevitably incomplete inventory of morphological studies that confronts the taxonomic classification of animals and plants with very subjective documentation. Phenomenology and research-based comparison meet here, especially in the idea of the photographic ‘trail’, which understands photography as a documentary medium of movement and change, as well as of reconstruction, development, and demonstration of correlations. Cross-references, associations, and correspondences within the grouping of individual photographs with an accentuated object nature also grant new perspectives on our own place within those structures of order and chance so characteristic of our world. In this sense, Lempert’s work unleashes a wealth of visual poetry that is reflected by distinctive visual language, which, not least, gives his oeuvre a unique position within contemporary photography.”

Annette Kelm, artist, awardee 2015, Berlin (DE)
Jens Maier-Rothe, author, Berlin (DE)
Vanessa Joan Müller, curator at Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna (AT)
Reinhard Braun, publisher Camera Austria International, Graz (AT)

The Camera Austria Award for Contemporary Photography by the City of Graz was established in 1989 and is bestowed every two years on an artist who has published a noteworthy contribution in the magazine Camera Austria International and has made an important contribution to contemporary photography. The prize-money is Euro 14,500.

Jochen Lempert’s work has been published in Camera Austria International no. 108/2009 and Camera Austria International 124/2013; his work was exhibited at Camera Austria as part of “Milk Drop Coronet. 30 Exhibitions on the Virtuosity of Thingness” in 2010/11.


  • Award Ceremony, 6.12.2017
    Exhibition space Camera Austria
    Camera Austria 2017
    Photo: Joana Theuer

  • Award Ceremony, 6.12.2017
    Exhibition space Camera Austria
    Camera Austria 2017
    Photo: Joana Theuer

  • Award Ceremony, 6.12.2017
    Exhibition space Camera Austria
    Camera Austria 2017
    Photo: Joana Theuer

  • Award Ceremony, 6.12.2017
    Exhibition space Camera Austria
    Camera Austria 2017
    Photo: Joana TheuerAward Ceremony, 6.12.2017
    Exhibition space Camera Austria
    Camera Austria 2017
    Photo: Joana Theuer

  • Award Ceremony, 6.12.2017
    Exhibition space Camera Austria
    Camera Austria 2017
    Photo: Joana Theuer

  • Award Ceremony, 6.12.2017
    Exhibition space Camera Austria
    Camera Austria 2017
    Photo: Joana Theuer

  • Award Ceremony, 6.12.2017
    Exhibition space Camera Austria
    Camera Austria 2017
    Photo: Joana Theuer

  • Award Ceremony, 6.12.2017
    Exhibition space Camera Austria
    Camera Austria 2017
    Photo: Joana Theuer

  • Award Ceremony, 6.12.2017
    Exhibition space Camera Austria
    Camera Austria 2017
    Photo: Joana Theuer

  • Award Ceremony, 6.12.2017
    Exhibition space Camera Austria
    Camera Austria 2017
    Photo: Joana Theuer

  • Award Ceremony, 6.12.2017
    Exhibition space Camera Austria
    Camera Austria 2017
    Photo: Joana Theuer

  • Award Ceremony, 6.12.2017
    Exhibition space Camera Austria
    Camera Austria 2017
    Photo: Joana Theuer

  • Award Ceremony, 6.12.2017
    Exhibition space Camera Austria
    Camera Austria 2017
    Photo: Joana Theuer

  • Award Ceremony, 6.12.2017
    Exhibition space Camera Austria
    Camera Austria 2017
    Photo: Joana Theuer

  • Award Ceremony, 6.12.2017
    Exhibition space Camera Austria
    Camera Austria 2017
    Photo: Joana Theuer

  • Jochen Lempert, Untitled (Lachmöwe, Stockholm), 2017. © Jochen Lempert/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2017. Courtesy: BQ, Berlin and ProjecteSD, Barcelona.

  • Jochen Lempert, Weißes Blatt, 2012. © Jochen Lempert/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2017. Courtesy: BQ, Berlin and ProjecteSD, Barcelona.

  • Jochen Lempert, Untitled (Flight Attendant Records Condensation Trail), 2017. © Jochen Lempert/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2017. Courtesy: BQ, Berlin and ProjecteSD, Barcelona.

  • Jochen Lempert, Untitled, 2005.
    Courtesy: ProjecteSD, Barcelona; Sabine Schmidt Galerie, Cologne.

  • Jochen Lempert, Photo: Regine Steenbock

  • Jochen Lempert

  • Jochen Lempert, Singing Bird, 2015. © Jochen Lempert/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2017. Courtesy: BQ, Berlin and ProjecteSD, Barcelona.

  • Jochen Lempert, Untitled (Drops), 2016. © Jochen Lempert/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2017. Courtesy: BQ, Berlin and ProjecteSD, Barcelona.

  • Jochen Lempert, Untitled (Plastic Bag), 2017. © Jochen Lempert/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2017. Courtesy: BQ, Berlin and ProjecteSD, Barcelona.

  • Jochen Lempert, Motte, 2016. © Jochen Lempert/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2017. Courtesy: BQ, Berlin and ProjecteSD, Barcelona.

  • Jochen Lempert, Wind, 2016. © Jochen Lempert/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2017. Courtesy: BQ, Berlin and ProjecteSD, Barcelona.
