An initiative by Kulturvermittlung Steiermark and Camera Austria Place of residency: Graz, Austria We are delighted to announce the fourth round of a scholarship that Camera Austria and Kulturvermittlung Steiermark are collaboratively offering in the fall of 2025. The Graz Residency for International Photographers (GRIP) is intended as an opportunity for photographers to focus on their artistic […]
Call: Between Bridges Residency
Between Bridges Residency Between Bridges is pleased to announce the open call for the next two biannual residencies for visual artists. One residency will take place from January to June 2024, the other from July to December 2024. They will each be divided into a five month working phase and a one month exhibition or […]
Open Call: Fellowships for Curators and Artists at Salzburg Summer Academy 2023
CALL for APPLICATIONS now open until 10 April 2023 Fellowships for Curators and Artists at Salzburg Summer Academy 2023 / The Fellowships for Curators and Artists at the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts in Salzburg are part of ERSTE Foundation’s educational program and its long-term endeavour to support and strengthen contemporary art especially in the […]
OPEN CALL: Graz Residency for International Photographers
An initiative by Camera Austria and Kulturvermittlung Steiermark Place of residency: GRAZ, AUSTRIA We are delighted to announce the second round of a scholarship that Camera Austria and Kulturvermittlung Steiermark are collaboratively offering in the fall of 2023. The scholarship is intended as an opportunity for photographers to focus on their artistic work and research […]
OPEN CALL: Graz Residency for International Photographers
GRAZ RESIDENCY for INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS An initiative by Camera Austria and Kulturvermittlung Steiermark Place of residency: GRAZ, AUSTRIA We are delighted to announce the second round of a scholarship that Camera Austria and Kulturvermittlung Steiermark are collaboratively offering in the fall of 2023. The scholarship is intended as an opportunity for photographers to do concentrated […]
Open Call: »Berlin jetzt!« – Stadtmuseum Berlin sucht die Bilder des Jahres 2022
Das Stadtmuseum Berlin sammelt Fotografien und Geschichten aus dem Leben im Berlin des Jahres 2022. Im März 2020 wurden im Land Berlin wie in anderen Teilen Deutschlands, im Bund und in der Welt weitreichende Maßnahmen beschlossen, um der Corona-Pandemie zu begegnen. Kitas und Bildungsstätten mussten schließen, genauso wie Clubs, Diskotheken und Kultureinrichtungen. Alle öffentlichen Veranstaltungen […]
GRAZ RESIDENCY for INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS An initiative by Camera Austria and Kulturvermittlung Steiermark Place of residency: GRAZ, AUSTRIA We are delighted to announce the second round of a scholarship that Camera Austria and Kulturvermittlung Steiermark are collaboratively offering in the fall of 2023. The scholarship is intended as an opportunity for photographers to do concentrated […]
Open Call: 2nd edition Mesnographies
Call for applications open till to February 3, 2022 Mesnographies photography festival will hold its second edition in the fall of 2022. Mesnographies is an emerging photography festival taking place among the green open-air setting in the park of Les Mesnuls village (near Paris). This call is open to all photographers and the theme this year […]
Open Call: August-Sander-Preis 2022 für Porträtphotographie
Mitmachen können Künstler*innen bis einschließlich des 40. Lebensjahres, Einreichungen sind ab sofort möglich Der August-Sander-Preis für Porträtphotographie, gestiftet von Ulla Bartenbach und Prof. Dr. Kurt Bartenbach, wird in Zusammenarbeit mit der Photographischen Sammlung/ SK Stiftung Kultur, Köln, im Jahr 2022 nun schon zum dritten Mal vergeben. Mit der Auslobung des Preises verbindet sich die Idee, junge zeitgenössische künstlerische […]