Book launch and artist’s talk with Ines Schaber


Book launch and conversation
between Ines Schaber and Reinhard Braun

19.10.2018, 8 pm

Archive Kabinett
Müllerstraße 133
13349 Berlin-Wedding


We are happy to invite you to the presentation of the first three books from Ines Schaber’s five-part publication project Notes on Archives. Produced over the course of more than ten years, the publications feature a series of case studies, research, concrete projects, and reflections on the questions and problems that image archives pose today. The aim of the work is not to find or create another institutional archive per se, but to develop a practice in which the set of problems that archives produce is in fact part of the process one engages in.

The first three volumes of Notes of Archives, Obtuse, flitting by, and in spite of all—image archives in practice (vol. 1), Culture Is Our Business (vol. 2), and Dear Jadwa (vol. 4) have been published on the occasion of Ines Schaber’s eponymous exhibition at Camera Austria.

After the presentation, there will be food and drinks at Archive kitchen.