Screening »Image Diplomacy« and Presentation Camera Austria International No. 145


5.30 pm

FOTO WIEN Festivalzentrale
Österreichische Postsparkasse
Georg-Coch-Platz 2
1010 Vienna

Vladislav Shapovalov, Still aus: Image Diplomacy, 2017. 4K-Video (Farbe, Ton), 28’55”.


In the scope of FOTO WIEN, we will present our spring issue, Camera Austria International 145.

The contributions to this issue probe the terrain between photography and cinematography. The themes addressed by Studio for Propositional Cinema, Vladislav Shapovalov, Deborah Stratman, and Andrew Norman Wilson range from the effects of historical photography and its usurpation for the causes of political ideology through the violent permeation of landscape and on to the initiation of a fictive dialogue between past and present.

The presentation will be accompanied by a screening of Vladislav Shapovalov’s film “Image Diplomacy” (2017).