Foto Wien 2023 – Panel
The Politics of Images: Photography and Commitment


4. 6. 2023, 2 pm
Ovalhalle im MQ
Museumsplatz 1
1070 Vienna

Jonas Höschl, Artist, Vienna
Mira Anneli Naß, Art and photo historian, research assistant University of Bremen


In the frame of  FOTO WIEN 2023

Jonas Hoesch Europe Is Lost

Jonas Hoesch Europe Is Lost


Jonas Höschl, author of Politik von Medienbildern (Politics of Media Images), and Mira Anneli Naß will discuss the roles and positions in documenting political events and how supposed factuality and authenticity are generated based on certain image conventions and the reception of these images. They also examine how overlaps between contemporary critical art production, political engagement, and journalism can be defined today.