Markus Krottendorfer: Golden Years – Surprise Pink
An evening with 6 slide shows and music


Markus Krottendorfer proudly presents
“Golden Years – Surprise Pink”
Ein Abend mit 6 Diashows und Musik

JPL Mars Yard, US 2013
Gators and Rockets, US 2010
Coming Home, US 2013
Vandenberg Air Force Base, US 2013
Marathon, US 2013
Golden Years – Surprise Pink, GR 2017

Afterwards talk & drinks

13.2.2018, 6 pm
Exhibition space Camera AustriaFree admittance

Markus Krottendorfer, from: Golden Years – Surprise Pink, 2017.


The performative slide shows by Markus Krottendorfer, situated between photography and film, show “common” places (or non-places) taken from everyday life like bus terminals, fish markets, or shopping centers which are then juxtaposed with architectural manifestations of power like military bases or financial hubs. Here he is not concerned primarily with the various architectural structures, but rather with the ways in which such complex, conflictual, and contradictory social constellations are mirrored. The performativity of the slide projections gives back to the places a sense of performativity so often lost in conventional documentary photo projects. Some of the photographic works being shown on this evening were created during the artist’s extensive stay in Athens in summer 2017. Krottendorfer’s artistic practice navigates the interface between documentary strategies and fictive speculation, while simultaneously also probing the margins of commodity photography. “Golden Years – Surprise Pink” was presented for the first time in the “Circuits & Currents” project space at the Athens School of Fine Arts in December 2017 as an event by “in ατhεns – Austrian Artist Residency.”

Following the performance, there will be a talk between Markus Krottendorfer and Reinhard Braun.

In 2016, Camera Austria published the book Markus Krottendorfer: At New Moon Tomorrow in cooperation with steirischer herbst, featuring numerous illustrations and text contributions by Reinhard Braun, Anette Freudenberger, Bernhard Kellner, and Thomas Wisser (German/English).