Camera Austria International 134 Magazine Release


Camera Austria invites you to the release event of Camera Austria International 134. Featuring: Annette Frick, Isa Genzken, Ken Okiishi, Stefanie Seibold.

22 June 2016, 7 pm
Kunstquartier Bethanien
Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin
Room number 137

Magazine Release Camera Austria International 134


Our summer issue is out! We are happy to anounce Camera Austria International 134 which has been conceived by guest editor Maren Lübbke-Tidow and features contributions by Annette Frick, Isa Genzken, Ken Okiishi, and Stefanie Seibold. The artists are connected by the radicality of their thought and action, as well as by the way in which they subvert and overcome visual conventions. The flickering visual appearances of their image worlds refer to specific aesthetic experiences and aesthetic knowledge. Everyday contemporary cultural surface aesthetics are just as much a critical and seductive point of reference for them as the discourses on purity and canonised art scholarship. They explore new forms of permeability, persevere in zones of transition, and with gestures ranging from provocative and extreme to camp, they sensitise the viewer to other, hybrid contexts of perception. A selection of their works will be on view for the evening.

On the occasion of the release, we cordially invite you to the presentation at our Berlin office.

Come along, have a drink with us and meet friends!


  • Magazine Release Camera Austria International 134

  • Magazine Release Camera Austria International 134

  • Magazine Release Camera Austria International 134

  • Magazine Release Camera Austria International 134

  • Magazine Release Camera Austria International 134

  • Magazine Release Camera Austria International 134