Miss Read 2017 with a presentation of Censored Realities: A Book Project by Alice Maude-Roxby and Stefanie Seibold


Camera Austria International @ MISS READ: Berlin Art Book Festival 2017

Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin

Opening Hours:
Friday, 14.7., from 5–9 pm
Saturday, 15.7., from 12–7 pm
Sunday, 16.7., from 12–7 pm

Opening Party
Friday, 14.7., 9pm till late

Preview presentation of Censored Realities, a book project by Alice Maude-Roxby and Stefanie Seibold 

Saturday, 15.7., from 3–4 pm

Stage in the framework of the Conceptual Poetics Day

Photo: Alice Maude-Roxby


In Censored Realities, the complete texts accompanying photographer Berenice Abbott’s famous modernist documentary project Changing New York are published for the first time. Abbott’s partner, journalist and art critic Elizabeth McCausland, had completed a full set of captions that were to serve as critical-poetic commentaries alongside the images, but eventually they were edited out by the publisher bit by bit for their progressive, leftist political leanings. Alice Maude-Roxby and Stefanie Seibold are presenting a preview of the book, which will be published later in the year in the Edition Camera Austria.

Alice Maude-Roxby’s writing, curating, and photography develop out of ‘live’ and ‘site specific’ investigations of questions inherent in photographic or art history that involve interviewing and excavating archives. Publications include Anti-Academy (John Hansard Gallery) Marcia Farquhar’s 12 Shooters (Live Art Development Agency), Performing Memory (Kunstraum Niederösterreich, Vienna), Live Art on Camera (John Hansard Gallery), On Record: art, advertising and the actions of Gina Pane (Artwords Press) and ‘The Delicate Art of Documenting Performance’ in Art, Lies, and Videotapes: Exposing Performance (Tate Liverpool). She is collaborating with Stefanie Seibold on the exhibition Sapphic Modernism/Transatlantic Crossings that will take place at John Hansard Gallery in 2019. She is Head of Photography at Falmouth University.

Stefanie Seibold is an artist working with performance, installations, objects, archives, video, sound and text including curatorial approaches/projects. She is the co-author of a comprehensive book on Performance in Vienna since the 1960s featuring influential works by women and queer positions. She is currently working on an exhibition with the title „Sapphic Modernism/Transatlantic Crossings“ with Alice Maude-Roxby. Her work has been shown at the de Appel arts center, Amsterdam, 21er Haus, Vienna, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Camera Austria, Graz, Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart etc. She currently teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna in the Dept. of Performative Art and Sculpture.

Throughout the whole fair you will find a selection of publications at our booth, among them the current special issue of Camera Austria International with material from our archive designed by Till Gathmann. We are looking forward to meeting you!