Artur Żmijewski: "Democracies" and other works



26.9.2009, 12 am

Artur Żmijewski: “Democracies” and other works

curated by Christine Frisinghelli & Maren Lübbke-Tidow

co-produced by steirischer herbst 2009

ARTUR ŻMIJEWSKI, 60. Nakba-Jahrestag, 15.5.2008, Ramallah, West Bank. Still aus: Democracies, 2007 – 2009. Courtesy: Berliner Künstlerprogramm DAAD, Germany; Digital Art Lab, Holon Israel; Fire Station Artist’s Studios, Dublin, Ireland. Foksal Gallery, Warsaw; Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zürich.


In his artistic practice involving social experimentation with societal fringe groups, Artur Żmijewski has been, over the past ten years, working towards a dissolution of the judgemental concepts with which we construe societal norms and deviation therefrom. One might maintain that a strong fundamental understanding of democracy has already been comprising the basis for this artistic approach, with the establishment of the sovereignty and the integrity of the individual playing a decisive role. The quality of Żmijewski’s artistic work stems from the way it approximates us to the deviant and aberrant while discountenancing a claim to approval, directly appealing to us emotionally and calling for (self-)reflection and also the assertion of a political stance.

Installation Views

  • Artur Żmijewski, 60th Anniversary of the Nakba / 60. Jahrestag der Nakba, 15.5.2008, Ramallah, West Bank

  • Artur Żmijewski
    "Democracies" und andere Arbeiten / "Democracies" and other works
    Camera Austria 2009/10
    Photo: Christian Wachter

  • Artur Żmijewski
    "Democracies" und andere Arbeiten / "Democracies" and other works
    Camera Austria 2009/10
    Photo: Christian Wachter

  • Artur Żmijewski
    "Democracies" und andere Arbeiten / "Democracies" and other works
    Camera Austria 2009/10
    Photo: Christian Wachter

  • Artur Żmijewski
    "Democracies" und andere Arbeiten / "Democracies" and other works
    Camera Austria 2009/10
    Photo: Christian Wachter

  • Artur Żmijewski, Demonstration of the "Solidarity" Trade Union / Demonstration der Gewerkschaft "Solidarność", 29.8.2008 Warschau, Polen.

  • Artur Żmijewski
    "Democracies" und andere Arbeiten / "Democracies" and other works
    Camera Austria 2009/10
    Photo: Christian Wachter

  • Artur Żmijewski
    "Democracies" und andere Arbeiten / "Democracies" and other works
    Camera Austria 2009/10
    Photo: Christian Wachter

  • Artur Żmijewski, Re-enactment of the Warsaw Uprising (1944) battle of the Mokotów district, / Nachstellung der Schlacht um den Bezirk Mokotów beim Warschauer Aufstand (1944), 9.8.2008,Warschau, Polen.

  • Artur Żmijewski, Demonstration of supporters of anti-abortion law / Demonstration von Befürwortern des gesetzlichen Abtreibungsverbots, 27.3.2007, Warschau, Polen

  • Artur Żmijewski
    "Democracies" und andere Arbeiten / "Democracies" and other works
    Camera Austria 2009/10
    Photo: Christian Wachter

  • Artur Żmijewski
    "Democracies" und andere Arbeiten / "Democracies" and other works
    Camera Austria 2009/10
    Photo: Christian Wachter

  • Artur Żmijewski, Dorota, 2006.

  • Artur Żmijewski
    "Democracies" und andere Arbeiten / "Democracies" and other works
    Camera Austria 2009/10
    Photo: Christian Wachter



  • Eröffnung / Opening, 26.9.2009 Camera Austria 2009 Photo: Christian Wachter

  • Eröffnung / Opening, 26.9.2009 Camera Austria 2009 Photo: Christian Wachter

  • Eröffnung / Opening, 26.9.2009 Camera Austria 2009 Photo: Christian Wachter

  • Eröffnung / Opening, 26.9.2009 Camera Austria 2009 Photo: Christian Wachter

  • Eröffnung / Opening, 26.9.2009 Camera Austria 2009 Photo: Christian Wachter
