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Ed. by Werner Fenz, Christine Frisinghelli.

Accompanying the eponymous Austrian Triennial on Photography, Forum Stadtpark, Graz; Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, 1993.
With texts by the editors and Art in Ruins, Bogdan Bogdanovic, Harun Farocki, Dzevad Karahasan, Fred Ritchin, Martha Rosler, Herta Wolf a.o. (ger./eng.).
With works by John Baldessari, Sabine Bitter, Willie Doherty, Seiichi Furuya, Georg Herold, Horáková + Maurer, Zofia Kulik, Manfred Willmann a.o.
Edition Camera Austria, Graz 1993.
Vol. 1: 192 pages, 20 × 26,5 cm, 92 b/w-illustrations.
Vol. 2: 120 pages, 20 × 26,5 cm, 70 colour-illustrations.
ISBN 3-900508-11-9


Graz, the venue of this photographic project, is situated on the verge of a topography that has become the site of war. The AUSTRIAN TRIENNIAL ON PHOTOGRAPHY, the first of its kind, will not deal with photography in self-reflective terms but will place the medium before this fulminant background. This will also be a reflection of artistic trends dealing once again with cultural, social and political phenomena, presenting them in a new clarity and directness and in concise mechanisms and strategies of transmission. What reactions to a situation of WAR is possible within the photographic debate – how can traits of this destructive formation be made visible, designated and incorporated in a production? Based on this question and before the background of the violent conflict in Bosnia-Hercegovina, we have invited about 30 artists and asked them to develop works for the AUSTRIAN TRIENNIAL ON PHOTOGRAPHY. They are to sound out the potential of photography to create images under given conditions (event – medial information – medial filter – reflection) – images that work on various referential levels. Departing from a concrete occasion, the general conditions of an art that deals with reality, will be addressed. With regard to photography, this constellation is a special challenge beginning in the depictive nature of the very medium.

EXHIBITION CATALOGUE: A catalogue including essays by the curators, as well as by Bogdan Bogdanovic, Harun Farocki, Dzevad Karahasan, Fred Ritchin, Martha Rosler, Burghart Schmidt, Dubravka Ugresic, Herta Wolf and the contributions by the artists will be published.


  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 70–71.

  • Cover: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War, 1993.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg 1 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 1, S. / pp. 30–31.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg 1 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 1, S. / pp. 52–53.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg 1 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 1, S. / pp. 54–55.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg 1 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 1, S. / pp. 60–61.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg 1 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 1, S. / pp. 62–63.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg 1 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 1, S. / pp. 70–71.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg 1 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 1, S. / pp. 68–69.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg 1 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 1, S. / pp. 122–123.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg 1 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 1, S. / pp. 124–125.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg 1 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 1, S. / pp. 146–147.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 14–15.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 38–39.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 44–45.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 50–51.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 58–59.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 64–65.

  • Doppelseite / Spread: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg 2 / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War 2, S. / pp. 70–71.

  • Cover: Österreichische Triennale der Fotografie. Krieg / Austrian Triennial on Photography. War, 1993.