Martin Behr, Martin Osterider: Triester
9 artists’ books, 32 pages and 25 illustrations each
14 × 21 cm, staple binding
Cover: silkscreen and embossing
9 c-prints, 13 × 19 cm each
Box: linen, silkscreen, signed
Edition: 25 + 5 AP
Price: € 325.– (incl. VAT) + postage
Barbara Stummvoll
T. +43 316 81 55 50
Special Edition
Martin Behr, Martin Osterider: Triester, 2013.

Since 2003 these two artists, both born 1964 in Graz, have been embarking on photographic forays into the Gries settlement, where they were raised, in the eponymous district of Graz—independently of one another and on a regular basis.
Each of the nine books shows a different cross-section of the image material, yet without any kind of chronological or topographical order. Each respective volume is rather distinguished by unique urban iconography arranged in an associative way: paths, building typologies, surfaces, residuals, the margins between private and public. Isochromatic spines signify the interconnection among the books. Redundant and recurring elements represent an essential moment within this photographic practice, informing the visual organisation of the books.
It is perhaps precisely for this reason that within and among these nine books associations and references arise where there seemed to be none, as do discoveries that are indebted to this downright unsystematic new arrangement of images.
Edition Camera Austria 2013/2014