Die Stadt & Das gute Leben
Graz Kulturjahr 2020


Opening walk
18. September 2020, 5 pm

19.9.2020 – 21.2.2021
extended until May 2021

Site-Specific (Public) Lessons
Eggenberg – Echo Space
A Sphere of Activity and Agency by
Nicole Six & Paul Petritsch
18.9. – 22.11.2020
extended until February 2021

If Time Is Still Alive
Exhibition curated by Urban Subjects
(Sabine Bitter, Jeff Derksen, Helmut Weber)
12.3. – 23.5.2021

A project for “Graz Kulturjahr 2020” by and with:
BAWO Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe / Daniela Brasil / Gruppe »Bussi«, Abteilung für Ortsbezogene Kunst, Universität für angewandte Kunst, Wien / Camera Austria / Georg Dinstl & Uwe Gallaun / Eggenberger Vielfalt / Stadtteilprojekt EggenLend / Forum Stadtpark Graz / green.LAB Graz / Mathias Heyden & Dagmar Pelger / inspire – Bildung und Beteiligung / Institut für Kulturanthropologie und Europäische Ethnologie, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz / Jugend am Werk – housing first / Helmut & Johanna Kandl / Natur.Werk.Stadt / Büro für Pessi_mismus / Klaus Resch / Sara Selimagic / Nicole Six & Paul Petritsch / Department »Soziale Arbeit« der FH Joanneum / Spitze Nadeln / StadtLABOR / Stories2go / Talenteküche / topothek Graz, GrazMuseum / Universität zu Köln – Labor für Kunst und Forschung / Urban Subjects / Ultra-red / VinziNest / vor.ort | Stadtteilmanagement a. o.

Mapping »Die Stadt & Das gute Leben«, 2020. Drawing by Daniela Brasil.


What’s become of the idea of ​​a good life (in the city and elsewhere) in a twenty-first century already well underway, considering that the pursuit of a “good life for all”—“Buen Vivir” or “Vivir Bien”—was accorded constitutional status in Ecuador (2008) and Bolivia (2009) and has since been the subject of international debate as an alternative to rampant neoliberalism’s devastation of society and natural resources?

What, indeed, happened to the idea of ​​a good life? Does it need to be defended, reconceptualized, renewed? To whom does it apply, to whom should it apply? Who or what interests threaten it? How does this idea relate to the city of the present day? What aspects of contemporary life need to be examined to answer these questions, at a time when the city, or rather the urban complex, has become the central phenomenon of many societies in that more and more people worldwide live in ever larger cities or metropolitan areas?

“The City & The Good Life” seeks to provide a broad framework for stimulating a debate over the good life in the city; it focuses primarily on the Graz district of Eggenberg. For several years, this district seems to have been playing an increasingly important role in Graz’s urban development. Numerous housing projects—the Eggenberge, the Smart City, parts of the Reininghaus Grounds, and other construction plans—are changing Eggenberg and bringing new residents to the district. For this reason, the project focuses not on Camera Austria’s immediate vicinity in the city center, but rather on this district in transition, which seems to be changing the city’s overall structure. The following questions originally formed the point of departure for the project: What role do cities play in view of the many social and cultural conflicts and crises we see? How do we interpret these questions together with an eye to the specific local situation in Graz? On what scale are we able to envisage our common city? What demands for a good life in the city can we formulate collectively?

See detailed information at: www.diestadtunddasguteleben.at
