Camera Austria International
155 | 2021
The Landscape as an Archive: On Poetic Inheritance and Cross-Cultural Imagination - MATHIEU KLEYEBE ABONNENC
Observing, Participating, Objectifying—Questions About the Function of the Images in Pierre Bourdieu’s Photographic Archive - PHOTO ARCHIVE PIERRE BOURDIEU
Interpreters and Interruptions* - JEAN-PAUL KELLY
The works presented in Camera Austria International no. 155 are devoted to different ways of accessing archives through exploration and illustrate how these archives are always also characterized by processuality and not necessarily by linear readings. Hence, the artist contributions featured in this issue show the incompleteness, the overlapping and changing, that characterizes landscapes, archives, and artistic works equally.
Read more →Camera Austria International 155 | 2021
The works presented in Camera Austria International no. 155 are devoted to different ways of accessing archives through exploration and illustrate how these archives are always also characterized by processuality and not necessarily by linear readings. Hence, the artist contributions featured in this issue show the incompleteness, the overlapping and changing, that characterizes landscapes, archives, and artistic works equally.
Taking an approach that links biographical research, archival material, artifacts, and metafictional elements, much of Mathieu Kleyebe Abonnenc’s work deals with France’s entanglements in the history of its former overseas colonies, especially French Guiana, and with the issue of how postcolonial trauma is inscribed in landscapes. Silvia Franceschini associates Abonnenc’s poetic films, photographs, and installations with the writings of the British-Guianese author Wilson Harris, which have long influenced the artist: “In line with Harris’s vision of the landscape as a matrix where an infinity of possible historical relationships comingle, he tries to materialize those traces, specters, and erasures of history, which, as a whole, offer a possibility to recover from the feeling of geographical and cultural loss that marks the nation’s history.”
Ines Schaber, in turn, invites readers to join her in examining the photographic archive of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, especially the pictures he took between 1957 and 1961 during his period of research in Algeria. In her text, Schaber explores the complexity of this archive created during the Algerian War. She elaborates on the role that photography may have played for Bourdieu in his engagement with a land that was foreign to him and with its inhabitants, and how he used the medium to negotiate his relationship with the people and situations he encountered there. “Why did Bourdieu take photos in Algeria in the first place, what did he want to comprehend and show with his photography? What was he ‘looking’ at?—What studies was he carrying out while taking the photographs? Were they part of his research work, or was he pursuing a different project with them? What function did photography have for him?”
Jean-Paul Kelly and Jacob Korczynski have worked closely to develop a contribution that explores the limits of readability in the space of the magazine and fluctuates between language and image. Through methods of obscuring, superimposing, and revisiting existing images, Jean-Paul Kelly makes visible the complexity of ethical issues related to engaging with diverse source material—including photojournalism, pictures from magazines and image search engines, surveillance footage, and FBI files—while simultaneously negotiating their relationship to diverse formats and spaces. “My practice is one of oppositional critique, which often necessitates a doubling, a ‘near proximity,’ through strategies of appropriation, translation, inversion, reenactment, and abstraction to counter ideological apparatuses that mediate documentary representation.”
Lastly, we would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to you, our readers, for participating in the readers’ survey initiated in the last issue of our magazine. We already have an analysis of the results and are looking forward to including them in future brainstorming to further develop Camera Austria International.
Christina Töpfer and the Camera Austria Team
September 2021
Cover: Mathieu Kleyebe Abonnenc, Forever Weak and Ungrateful (10), 2015. Heliogravure, 47.4 × 30.7 cm. Copyright: the artist.
Presented by the editors:
Julia Debus
Amy Touchette
Elisa Goldammer
Lucas Leffler
Sina Link
Cédrine Scheidig
Investigative Commons
HKW – Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, 9. 6. – 8. 8. 2021
Laura Poitras: Circles
n.b.k. – Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin, 18. 6. – 8. 8. 2021
Vika Kirchenbauer: Feelings that Move Nowhere
Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf, 29. 5. – 5. 9. 2021
Stefan Panhans / Andrea Winkler: The Pow(d)er of I Am Klick Klick Klick Klick and a very very bad bad musical!
HMKV – Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund, 15. 5. – 5. 9. 2021
Ins Bewusstsein gepikst
RAY 2021: Ideologien
Various venues, Frankfurt am Main and Rhein-Main area, 3. 6. – 12. 9. 2021
Syntax of Subjection (and Resistance)
Hexen / Witches
TAXISPALAIS Kunsthalle Tirol, Innsbruck, 26. 6. – 3. 10. 2021
Mohamed Bourouissa: “HARa!!!!!!hAaaRAAAAA!!!!!hHAaA!!!”
Goldsmiths – Centre for Contemporary Art, London, 21. 5. – 1. 8. 2021
Tobias Zielony: The Fall
Museum Folkwang, Essen, 25. 6. – 26. 9. 2021
sonsbeek20 –› 24: Force Times Distance—On Labour and Its Sonic Ecologies
Various venues, Arnhem, 2. 7. – 29. 8. 2021
Zineb Sedira: Standing Here Wondering Which Way to Go
Jeu de Paume, Paris, 15. 10. 2019 – 19. 1. 2020
Bildmuseet, Umeå, 19. 6. – 24. 10. 2021
Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, Lisbon, February – April 2022
IVAM – Institut Valencià d’Art Modern, Valencia, 2022
Shuruq Harb: Ghost at the Feast
Beirut Art Center, Beirut, 10. 6. – 10. 9. 2021
Les Rencontres de la photographie: Summer of Fireflies
Various venues, Arles and environs, 4. 7. – 26. 9. 2021
Jef Geys
Kunsthalle Bern, 29. 5. – 25. 7. 2021
Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, 20. 11. 2020 – 5. 4. 2021
Dóra Maurer: Minimal Movements, Shifts, 1970 – 2020
Haus Konstruktiv, Zürich, 10. 6. – 12. 9. 2021
Tatjana Danneberg: Wait a Minute
Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg, 8. 5. – 11. 7. 2021
Niemand blickt auf sein Leben zurück und erinnert sich an die Nächte, in denen er geschlafen habe: Ein Projekt von Fondation Coco Lafayette
Kunstraum am Schauplatz, Vienna, 20. 6. – 12. 9. 2021
The “Grandma” as Amateur and Author
Kathi Hofer, “Grandma” Prisbrey’s Bottle Village
Spector Books, Leipzig 2021
Laura Horelli, Changes in Direction – a Journal
Archive Books, Berlin 2021
Ort der Verheißung
Harun Farocki, Hard Selling: In einer Aktualisierung von Elske Rosenfeld
Harun Farocki Institut, Berlin 2021
A Slow Boat to China, Marion Scemama & David Wojnarowicz
Is—Land Édition, Paris 2021
Christina Natlacen (Hg.), Reality under Construction: Fotografische und filmische Weltentwürfe sichtbar machen
Fotohof, Salzburg 2021
Talking Books
Erik van der Weijde in Conversation with . . . Roger Willems
Batia Suter: Parallel Encyclopedia #1
Roma Publications, Amsterdam 2007
Aglaia Konrad: Japan Works Roma
Publications, Amsterdam 2021
Dana Lixenberg: Imperial Courts 1993–2015
Roma Publications, Amsterdam 2015
Publisher: Reinhard Braun
Owner: Verein CAMERA AUSTRIA. Labor für Fotografie und Theorie.
Lendkai 1, 8020 Graz, Österreich
Editor-in-Chief: Christina Töpfer.
Editor: Margit Neuhold.
Translations: Dawn Michelle d’Atri, Amy Klement, Sarah Moroz, Katrin Mundt, Wilfried Prantner.
English Proofreading: Dawn Michelle d’Atri.
Acknowledgments: Mathieu Kleyebe Abonnenc, Akinbode Akinbiyi, Kaat Celis, Julia Debus, Silvia Franceschini, Christine Frisinghelli, Elisa Goldammer, Aglaia Konrad, Lucas Leffler, Sina Link, Maren Lübbke-Tidow, Lissa Kinnaer, Jean-Paul Kelly, Stephan Keppel, Jacob Korczynski, Katrin Mundt, Yves Sambu, Ines Schaber, Cédrine Scheidig, Franz Schultheis, Arash Shahali, Cauleen Smith, Nina Strand, Brita Täljedal, Amy Touchette, Daniela Zehetner, Arnisa Zeqo.
Copyright © 2021
No parts of this magazine may be reproduced without publisher’s permission.
Camera Austria International does not assume any responsibility for submitted texts and original materials.
ISBN 978-3-902911-64-3
ISSN 1015 1915
GTIN 4 19 23106 1600 5 00155